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How Can Our Spiritual Guidance Help You?

Whichever religion you belong, spirituality and guidance are both essential aspects of our life. They help us live a purposeful life, especially in times when we might want to give everything up. In times of distress, sorrow, sickness, and...

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Let Us Keep the Elderly Healthy

In light of the global pandemic, discussing tips on how to help seniors stay healthy can make a difference. Let’s remember that without them, there would be no “us” today. We owe it to the elderly, so let’s work together in helping...

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Taking Care of Your Aging Body

Some of us may tend to think that it is useless to spend so much time taking care of one’s body. Many aging adults and seniors are prone to this kind of mentality. But the interesting thing is, they are the ones who must focus on caring for...

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Tips 101: How to Deal with Cancer

Being diagnosed with cancer is never easy. The process is draining, disappointing, and saddening. It does not only affect you as the one having cancer, but it affects everyone around you as well. Your family and friends will then feel pity for...

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Hospice Patients’ Rights

Knowing your rights is always important even as a hospice patient. Difficulties can arise anytime in the care being provided to you, hence, it is but wise to be informed of what you are entitled to. First, you must be fully informed of the...

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Thriving While in Hospice Care

Hospice care is one of the many approaches in caring for terminally ill patients that provide palliative care rather than traditional medical treatment. Hospice care offers symptom management and medical treatment together with spiritual and...

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